Sirhowy Hill Woodlands

Scientific name: Axylia putris


June to July. Common to Great Britain except in the far north where it is more local.


An invariable species with straw coloured wings sometimes strongly tinged with reddish brown. The leading forewing edges are a dark brown with a dark kidney mark. At rest the wings are tightly folded around the body so the moth closely resembles a piece of broken stem or twig.


The adults are attracted to light and flowers. The larvae feed at night between July and October and then overwinter as pupae underground.

What does the Flame eat?

The Flame feeds at night on a wide range of low-growing plants including Common Nettle (Urtica dioica) White Dead-nettle (Lamium album), Hound’s-tongue (Cynoglossum officinale) and Hedge Bedstraw (Galium mollugo).

What habitat does the Flame live in?

The Flame is found in a broad range of habitats but usually gardens, farmland, downland, hedgerows, heathland and woodland edges.


What family does the Flame belong to?

The Flame belong to the Noctuidae family.

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Scientific Name

Axylia putris


England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland


Small sized

Wingspan Range: 28-32mm 


Common. Distributed throughout southern Britain, the Isle of Man and Ireland

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