Damien, Thomas, Ken, and Susy planted about 40 oak trees supplied by I Dig Trees. We have another 900 different varieties to plant. We also did a half hour litter pick in the time left over. The woodlands looked pretty good, probably because the weather is less conducive to partying!
Bikes and off-roaders continue to be a big problem, rutting the paths and spoiling the legitimate use of the woodlands.
We have received an £800 grant from GAVO for our pollinator project, planting wild heathers and willow, favourite foods for insect pollinators.
Blaenau Gwent borough council awarded us £282 to help with work on the paths etc. and Tredegar town council awarded us £200, which is to come shortly.
So if you want to volunteer, please get in touch. Tree planting, litterpicking, path clearing, we need YOU!

We have lots of other things going on as well. Please message or email Susy if you have availability and are interested in volunteering with us at info@sirhowyhillwoodlands.co.uk.