There was a good turnout for our November 2017 Litter Pick. We were joined by Damien, John, Justin, Helen, Ken, Christine, and Susy. Thank you to you all. Lucy continues to do her bit when out walking her dogs. Any other members of the public who would like litter pickers and orange bags, please email your details and I will arrange for you to have them.
Justin started at 8.30 am and finished just after 11! He did a fantastic job of clearing the huge number of bottles and cans in the woods above the steps leading to Georgetown as opposed to those leading to the pond.
Other than hotspots, dumping, sand pit, and partying areas the woodlands looked pretty good.
Sadly we have seen a rise in off-roading, scrambling bikes etc and some of the paths are deeply rutted and the top meadow is pretty badly ripped up, mother nature is a great healer and doubtless with a little help it will recover.
I look forward to seeing you all on December the 3rd, the last litter pick of 2017!!!

We have lots of other things going on as well. Please message or email Susy if you have availability and are interested in volunteering with us at