Sirhowy Hill Woodlands

Scientific name: Carduelis spinus

Black Garden Ant

The Siskin is a relatively common, small finch of conifer woodlands and some mixed woods. In the winter, they gather in groups with Redpolls and feed on seeds in birch and alder woodland, as well as at birdtables. Many of our breeding Siskins are residents, but are joined by birds from Europe in winter. The female Siskin builds her neat nest high-up in a conifer tree, using twigs, lichen and feathers. She incubates the eggs alone (usually two to six in a clutch) but both parents feed the chicks.

How to identify the Siskin?

The Siskin is a small, streaky-green finch with yellow bars on black wings. The male has a bright yellow chest and face, with a black chin and black cap. The female is grey-green and lacks the black cap.

How can I help?

You can help to look after Siskins and other garden birds by providing food and water for them – it doesn’t matter if you have a big garden or live in a high-rise flat, there are plenty of feeders, baths and food choices out there to suit all kinds of situations.

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Scientific Name

Carduelis spinus


England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland


Length: 12cm

Wingspan: 22cm

Weight: 15g



Other Wildlife